What is ISO Certification in Ireland, and do I need the best ISO Consultant in Ireland?
ISO Certification in Ireland

What is ISO Certification in Ireland, and do you need the best ISO Consultant in Ireland?

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO Certification in Ireland) was formed in 1946 by 25 Civil Engineers to develop a consistent set of specifications for a given subject matter within different countries in Europe.

ISO is not a pure acronym, as is commonly believed. According to ISO themselves:

Because “International Organization for Standardization” has different acronyms in different languages (IOS in English, OIN in French for Organization Internationale de Normalisation), our founders decided to call it ISO. ISO comes from the Greek word “isos,” which means equal. No matter the country, no matter the language, we are always ISO.”

What Does ISO Certification in Ireland Mean?

An ISO certification signifies that an independent third party has audited your business and confirmed that it complies with the latest quality process standards set by the International Standards Organization. This certification indicates that your processes follow international best practices (aka The Standard) and are efficient and effective.

As a result, your company is likely to build and ship better quality products that delight your customers and will arrive on time, both internally and externally. Moreover, by marketing that fact to the outside business community, you will be able to increase sales with a better set of customers. A company with solid processes produces high-quality products that arrive on time, and these companies develop a great reputation.

Who is ISO suitable for?

Certifying requires time and effort, along with the cost of the certification and on going maintenance. The certification must be obtained through an accredited certification body, and strict regulatory requirements exist. Under normal circumstances, organizations with fewer than 15 employees would not have to undergo certification unless there is a every organization can, however, benefit from adhering to the principles of the standard for every organization.

Why ISO Certification in Ireland is Important?

ISO Certification in Ireland offers many benefits. These include the following:

  • A high level of credibility

ISO Certification in Ireland is a globally recognized standard. As a result, it makes your product more reliable, and your customers will know that you are a company they can trust.

  • A high level of recognition

By obtaining an ISO certificate, your brand will be recognized worldwide. Furthermore, this will increase your brand’s reputation among your competitors and the general public.

  • Consistency improved

ISO certification in Ireland enables you to increase control over your business processes. The more you control your business, the more consistent your business is. Additionally, the increased thickness assures your customers of the same high level of service or product every time they deal with you.

  • Revenues enhanced

Those who are assured of quality will return to you again and again. If your business is ISO certified, you will be able to price your product/service better and therefore expect to increase your revenue.

  • The classic Government Label

Promoting your products as high quality is easier with an ISO certificate. An ISO label can be applied to your product during packaging and documentation. ISO stands for quality.

  • Improved Customer Retention

You can be assured that your products are of standard quality with ISO certification in Ireland. As a result, your customers know what to expect from you and become familiar with your products and services. Customer retention and satisfaction increase.

Which are the four most common ISO standards?

ISO Certification in Ireland has thousands of international standards covering dozens of industries. Nevertheless, some of their standards transcend industries. Here are five of the most common.

ISO 9001 Certification – Quality Management

The most recent version of ISO 9001:2015 is the cornerstone standard that every organization should have. The only standard by which you can be certified is ISO 9001, which is part of the ISO 9000 family (which covers quality management).

ISO 14001 Certification – Environmental Management

According to the Environmental Protection Act 1990, this standard is designed to help organizations fulfill their environmental commitments in the UK. It integrates well with ISO 9001 and other quality management standards. Rather than having an Environmental Management System (EMS), some organizations integrate it with their Quality Management System (QMS) and call it an Integrated Management System (IMS).

ISO 45001 Certification – Health and Safety

ISO 45001 was released in 2018 and is based on OHSAS 18001. It contains the essential elements of ISO 9001. Its primary purpose is to:

  • Reduce occupational injuries and illnesses
  • Promoting and protecting physical and mental health
ISO 27001 Certification – Information Security

Modern workplaces and personal lives place much of their information in paper and electronic systems. ISO 27001 is designed to manage information security and protect:

Why should you choose Factocert for ISO Certification in Ireland?

Factocert is one of the most trusted ISO Certification Consultation company in Ireland, which includes Galway, Cork (city), and Dublin. We provide ISO Certification, CE Mark, and Halal Certifications, training auditing, documentation, and training at a reasonable cost. We also offer HACCP certificates. Please contact us for assistance.

For more: contact@factocert.com

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