ISO 45001 Certification in Nigeria:
Brief of requirements in the ISO 45001 in Nigeria standard related to clause 5 it is about leadership and works participation.
sub-clause 5.1 –Â Here we need to see if top management has demonstrated leadership and commitment by taking overall responsibility and accountability for the prevention of work-related injury and ill-health as well as the provision of safe and healthy workplaces and activities.
Has top management demonstrated leadership and commitment by ensuring that the policy and objectives are established and are compatible with the strategic direction of the organization and as they ensure the integration of the ISO 45001 in Nigeria (OH&S management system) requirements into the organization’s business processes?
Has top management demonstrated leadership and commitment by ensuring that the resources needed to establish, implement, maintain and improve the management system are available are they communicating the importance of an effective ISO 45001 Certification in Nigeria OH&S management system and also conformance with the requirements?
How about ensuring that the management system achieves its intended outcomes and has top management demonstrated leadership and commitment by directing and supporting persons to contribute to the effectiveness of the management system has taught measured also demonstrated leadership and commitment by ensuring and promoting continual improvement, supporting other relevant management roles to demonstrate their leadership as it applies to their areas of responsibility.
They also demonstrated leadership and commitment by developing leading and promoting a culture in the organization that supports thinking intended outcomes of the management system and also protecting workers from reprisals when reporting incidents, hazards, risks, and opportunities.
Has top management demonstrated leadership and commitment by ensuring the organization establishes and implements a process or process for consultation and participation of workers? How about supporting the establishment and functioning of health and safety committees.
sub-clause 5.2 – relates to the policy, has top management established implemented, and maintained a policy such that it includes a commitment to provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury and ill-health. Is it appropriate to the purpose, the size, and context of the organization and specific to the nature of its risks and opportunities, does it provide a framework for setting the objectives and this included commitment to fulfill legal requirements and other requirements it does include a commitment to eliminate hazards and reduce all OH&S risks?
How about a commitment to continually improve the ISO 45001 in Nigeria (OH&S management system) and a commitment to consultation and participation of workers and where they exist workers representatives. The organization’s policy available as documented information and is it communicated within the organization is available to interested parties as appropriate and is relevant and appropriate.
sub-clause 5.3 – is about organizational roles, responsibilities, and authorities, our responsibilities and authorities for relevant roles within the OH&S management system assigned and communicated at all levels, our responsibilities and authorities for relevant roles within the management system maintained as documented information and our workers and each level of the organization, designated responsibility for those aspects of the management system, which they have control has top management. Assign responsibility and authority.
During that the management system conforms to the requirements of the standard. In this case, ISO 45001 in Nigeria and also have the assigned responsibility and authority for reporting on the performance of the management system to top management.
sub-clause 5.4 – is about Consultation and Participation of workers – Here we’re looking to see if the top management has established, implemented and maintained processes for workers representatives, if they exist consultation and participation of workers at all applicable levels, and functions, and the development planning, implementation, performance evaluation and actions for improving the ISO 45001 in Nigeria OH&S management system.
Also, on consultation and participation of workers, has the organization, provided mechanisms time training, and resources, which are necessary for consultation and participation has the organization provided timely access to clear and understandable information about the management system as it determined and removed obstacles or barriers to the participation and minimize those that can’t be removed. Staying with consultation and participation of workers.
Does the organization emphasize consultation of non-managerial workers concerning determining the needs and expectations of interested parties, stakeholders and also in establishing the policy and assigning organizational roles, responsibilities, and authorities as applicable? Also in determining how to fulfill legal and other requirements.
sub-clause 5.5 – Does the organization emphasize consultation of non-manager workers concerning establishing objectives and planning to achieve them for the OH&S management system? Determining applicable controls for outsourcing procurement and contractors and determining what needs to be monitored, measured, and evaluated and also in planning, establishing, implementing, and maintaining an audit program and also ensuring continual improvement.
Does the organization emphasize the participation of non-manager workers in determining the mechanisms for their consultation and participation? Identifying hazards and assessing risks and opportunities. How about determining actions to eliminate hazards and reduce OH&S risks and determining competence requirements training needs, training, and also evaluating training.
Staying with consultation and participation of workers, again for non-managerial workers has the organization, looked at determining what needs to be communicated and how this will be done. Determining control measures and their effective implementation use and investigating incidents and non-conformities, and determining corrective actions. There was a lot that we covered in this clause.
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