How to get GDPR Certification in India?
GDPR Certification in India

How to get GDPR Certification in India?

The GDPR Certification in India has the strictest rules for security and privacy in the world. Even though it is an EU law, it affects businesses worldwide because any cloud-hosted company that wants to do business with EU people must follow it. 

Reaching complete agreement is a challenging task but a complicated journey. Since GDPR went into effect, companies have done a lot to ensure they follow the rules. Thomson Reuters polled companies worldwide and found that 91% knew about the GDPR Certification but that 66% needed help to follow it. 

Companies can show their country’s regulatory body that they have taken technical and organisational steps to meet their GDPR duties by getting GDPR Certification in India. 

The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) has yet to accept a GDPR Certification or European Data Protection seal at the EU level. On a national level, however, governing officials are working on creating Certification standards and a way to get certified based on the International Standard on Assurance Engagements, which was designed for audits and accountants in the first place. 

If there is a personal data breach, the company will be inspected by the appropriate monitoring body and fined for not following the rules. That’s why businesses should be GDPR Compliant. 

Let us review the most important things to show you are GDPR compliant. 

How do I get GDPR Certification in India?

GDPR Certification in India is a new part of the law that lets people or businesses show the EU and customers that they are GDPR-compliant by getting Certification from recognized accreditation groups. 

Article 42 says that you can get a GDPR compliance certificate from a responsible monitoring authority, an accreditation Certification body, or, finally, the EDPB, which will offer a “common Certification.” 

You can trust EuroPriSe, TRUSTe, Cyber Essentials, ISO 27001 Information Security Management Systems, and Cyber Essentials as Certification groups. 

Remember that the licences these groups give do not guarantee that a business is GDPR compliant. Instead, they help companies that use the cloud show that they are responsible by investing time and money to become fully GDPR-compliant. In short, everything is fine with them.

Why is following GDPR principles important?

GDPR compliance is meant to improve data safety at cloud-hosted businesses that do business with EU people or are based in the EU. This also means that EU workers, buyers, and third parties will have better data security and privacy. 

There are two types of GDPR fees for not following the rules. For less serious crimes, the company could be fined €10 million or 2% of its annual sales from the previous fiscal year, whichever is greater. If a company breaks the rules badly, it will be fined €20 million or 4% of its annual sales from the previous financial year, whichever is higher. 

Following the GDPR is bright since getting certified under it costs around €1.3 million on average. 

The data security office in Luxembourg fined Amazon €746 million for the way it collected data. Another big company, WhatsApp, was fined 225 million by Ireland’s data security body for not being open and giving people the information they were entitled to. 

How to Follow GDPR Guidelines? 

The GDPR Certification in India says that companies that use the cloud must show compliance in a wide range of areas. It’s more complicated than changing your privacy settings and putting money into a few new tools. 

Following is a list of things you need to do to be GDPR compliant: 

Get ready for the GDPR compliance Certification.

Start by making a project plan for how you will meet your GDPR responsibilities. Make sure you involve the right people and do a preparation review to figure out what tasks you need to finish before you can proceed with GDPR Certification. 

Create a strategy for handling sensitive information.

Next, write up an internal policy for personal data for your cloud-hosted business and some higher-level policies, such as the Data Retention Policy. A vital part of a GDPR compliance system is ensuring staff know the rules. Give your staff GDPR training to ensure they understand the basic rules and steps of the GDPR. 

Hire a data protection officer (DPO) to ensure your business follows GDPR rules, and let the monitoring body know who that person is. This person should work independently and be an expert in data safety. 

The GDPR says that any business or government agency that handles personal data and has more than 10 to 15 workers must have a DPO. This person will help the company understand its GDPR duties, give it advice, and keep an eye on its compliance. They will be in charge of regular GDPR checks and ensuring that tasks on the GDPR compliance lists are done.

Make a list of things that need to be processed.

To protect data subjects’ rights, you should list all the processing activities that happen at your cloud-hosted business and explain why each is legal. 

Make a data flow map to find the risks in handling data. 

Article 30 says you must keep records of how you handle personal data. These records can be found through data flow checks and gap analyses. Ensure you have given your data subjects protection warnings that are clear and easy to understand. 

Set up a way to handle the rights of data subjects.

Before it handles or saves personal data, your cloud-hosted business needs permission from data users to use cookies. It would help if you made the request very clear and accessible. It would help if you also said how the data will be used, for how long, and for how long it will be kept. People whose data is being used should also be able to unsubscribe anytime. 

Perform a data protection effect assessment (DPIA). 

The DPO must do a data protection effect review before your cloud-hosted business starts a new project that will process personal data that will be kept forever. It looks at how the business works and how that might affect the privacy of people or companies whose data is being gathered. 

Secure transmissions of personal data

Ensure that the ways you send personal data outside the EU are legal under GDPR. Protect this info by following the legal and safety steps that are needed. 

Change contracts between third parties

Ensure that all contracts with third parties that handle personal data are changed to meet the requirements of the GDPR Certification in India. 

Protect private, critical information.

To keep your personal information safe, do these things: 

Setting up a strategy for information protection is essential. 

When it makes sense, use encryption and pseudonymization. Put in place simple technical controls like the ones Cyber Essentials gives you.

Figure out what to do about data leaks.

According to the GDPR, data breaches must be reported to the local data security authorities within 72 hours of being found. So, you should have ways to find and fix violations of personal data, as well as ways to tell the proper authorities and, if necessary, the people whose data was compromised.

Why Choose Factocert GDPR Certification in India?

Factocert is one of India’s leading GDPR Certification providers. We provide GDPR Consultant services in India. We are trusted GDPR Certification Bodies in India and provide services in different states such as Mumbai,Bangalore,Delhi etc for consultation visit our website or you can also get in touch with us at and factocert also provide different ISO Standards like ISO 27001, ISO 9001, ISO 45001, ISO 13485, ISO 17025, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, etc… At a better cost.


You should do some or all of the steps on the GDPR Certification in India checklist, depending on the results of your readiness review. Ensuring your cloud-hosted business follows GDPR rules is an investment that pays off and is not a hassle because it builds trust and customer involvement. 

For More information visit : GDPR Certification in India.

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